<%@ Language="VBScript" %> <% If Request.Form ("Email") <> "" Then Email = killChars(Trim(Request.Form ("Email"))) Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("Adodb.RecordSet") sql = "Select * From Customers Where ixCompany=2 AND Email = '" & Email & "' " 'show sql rs.Open sql, DBConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly If Not (rs.EOF Or rs.BOF) Then Pwd = rs("Pwd") ContactName = rs("ContactName") 'SendEmail(Subject, BodyText, FromName, FromMail, ToName, ToMail) Subject = "Password information from GolfTopSpin.com" BodyText = "Your password to GolfTopSpin.com is: " & Pwd SendEmail Subject, BodyText, "GolfTopSpin Customer Support", "support@golftopspin.com", ContactName, Email InfoStr = "The password for " & Email & " has been sent to the e-mail address you registered with. Once you have received your password, click here to sign in.

" InfoStr = InfoStr & "Contact us if you have any troubles logging in to the site." Else ErrStr = "Account information was not found with the e-mail provided, please check your e-mail address and try again.

" End If Set rs = Nothing End If %> TopSpin Putter - Experience the innovative putter TopSpin

Forgot Password
<% If InfoStr <> "" Then %>

<% Else %>
Please enter your e-mail address and we will send your password.
Your E-mail Address:    
<% End If %>